Akita District celebrated 100 Years of SVD presence in Japan last October 27, 2007 in Akita Catholic Church. Bishop Kikichi, SVD was the main celebrant. Fr. Povincial Ichise, SVD was the homilist. They were joined by the Papal Nuncio, some SVD's, OFM's, SSCC's, and diocesan priests of Niigata. Benefactors, friends, and parishioners also attended the gathering. The Mass was followed by a Talk on the Historical Presence of SVD in Japan by Fr. Szippl, SVD. Afterwhich, a simple party came next.
The celebration was a good occasion to reflect on SVD mission here in Japan. SVD mission in Japan focuses, I think, on the educational formation of people through schools and universities. This, I believe, will continue in the future. However, we also need to nurture people who are not in the compounds of our schools and universities. So, I hope, the SVD presence will also be felt in parishes. I firmly believe, in order to proclaim the Word to the world, a "dialogue" with students in our schools and universities should be considered. Thus, a strong presence of a campus ministry should not be taken for granted. On the other side of wall, "dialogue" with parishioners should also be taken up so as to be able to accomodate new faces (ie. foreigners, youth, etc) in our communities.
Celebrating SVD presence in Japan or in other countries is not only about the joys of the historical development of the past. It also is about planting the spiritual seed for the future. If we do this, the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief will vanish before the light of the word and the spirit of grace, and the heart of Jesus will live in the hearts of all.