I took the Skyline going to Mt. Yahiko which fortunately can lead me back to Niigata. The Seasideline goes to Nagaoka. It was a good drive because I enjoyed the scenery: mountain and sea.
I continued driving until I reached the top... it was overlooking the Japan Sea and also the agricultural lands of Niigata.
It's been a while since I took a time out from my work schedules to be with nature. I wrote a graduate thesis on the Biblical Perspective of Environmental Ethics, and it was with this experience that I found my self reading my old notes and used books. I admit, I forgot all about it when I received my diploma. I realized I have to go out from my room and/or office to see how nature is doing. Maybe I'll challenge my self to go for a mountain hiking, but... I think I will take the road with the view of the Sea of Japan next time.